These are against the rules:
1.) Posting of any nudity, pornography or vulgar materials.
2.) Distribution of any malicious software or viruses
3.) Gaining access to another person's account.
4.) Acting like an administrator or moderator (mini-modding).
a. This includes behavior such as, "Do that again and you will be warned". (That was just an example)
5.) Being racist or prejudice in any way, shape or form.
6.) Carelessly posting in attempt to gain post count (spamming).
7.) Advertising.
a. Advertising Rules
1. User may not advertise other sites.
2. User is allowed to password zipped files and use the website as the pasword (CCF).
3. If a user wants to advertise with then contact CyberzeN (Affiliates).
8.) Insulting of any member.
9.) Direct or indirect sexual reference.
10.) Spamming.
11.) Wrong section posting.
12.) Flaming.
13.) Asking to be a moderator.
14.) The distribution of any cracked, pirated or leaked software (warez).